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Vuprosi otgovori
Vupros: Problem s netacct-mysql-0.76
[Tursi: ]

VNIMANIE: Izpolzvaite forumite na saita za da zadadete vashite vuprosi.

Kum nachaloto |Dobavi vupros |Otgovori
Ot: meto Data: 08/27/2004
 Instaliral sam netacct-mysql-0.76 i netstat-3.04 na
 Slackware 10 i vsichko tragna dobre s tazi razlika che v
 bazata pishe samo international traffic drugite razdeli sa
 prazni ..... slojil sam faila "nacctpeering" za BG peering-a
 i pak neshte da pishe v bazata za Bg Peering. Mashinata mi e
gateway kam ISP.
Moje li niakoi da mi kaje kade barkam

Otgovor #1
Ot: devane Data: 08/27/2004
 veroiatno problema e na koi interfeis si go pusnal da slusha
 a shtato taka i mrejite koito si opisal v compactnet ..
toest moje predi tova na drug interfeis da pravish NAT

Otgovor #2
Ot: meto Data: 08/27/2004
prashtam ti conf-a
eth1 e ot vatreshnata mreja
eth0 e ot vanshnata

na mashinata varvi i MASQUERADE

database mysql			# must be mysql for now
mysql_user acct			# usually you don't need to change this

mysql_password acct	# change this to your password

 mysql_host localhost		# sometimes you need to change this
				# instead of localhost

mysql_port 0			# mysql port, 0 if you are using a socket

 mysql_database netacct		# usually you don't need to change

pidfile  /var/run/	# set pid file
				# tis will help if you want to
				# two (or more) nacctd on same machine


 				# log traffic only for these networks 
				# all other packets are NOT logged

				# Ours IP nets for diferenciation of
				# peering traffic types


				# log traffic between 2 or more regional ISP-s

flush 30                       # flush every 5 minutes
				# this gives the interval in seconds
				# when the accumulated data is flushed
				# to the output file

fdelay 60			# this defines after how many seconds
				# of inactivity a certain record of
				# traffic information may be written out
				# this helps making the logfiles smaller
				# since only one output record will be
				# generated for related traffic

#notdev eth0			# Dont log entries for this device
                                 # Use this on routers that
you dont
                                 # log forwarded packets

 device eth1                     # device to put into
promiscous mode
				# you can specify as many as you want
				# and you don't have to specify one
				# (e.g. if this runs on your router)
				# if you plan to use it on some *BSD
				# system put here apropriate device
				# i.e. - device ep0

# iflimit eth0			# on machines with multiple interfaces,
				# log only packets on this interface
				# mutually exclusive with hostlimit

 # ignoremask        # Ignore traffic on same
class C net
				# This means traffic that is on
				# your local LAN is not counted.
				# This is useful for NFS etc.
				# Not giving this option causes everything
				# to be counted.
				# This can degrade performance seriously!

ignorenet   # ignore loopback net
				# You can define as many ignorenets as
				# you want. Ignoring a net with
				# ignorenet is not as efficient as
				# ignoremask. Thus you should exclude
				# your local network with ignoremask,
				# not with ignorenet (although this is
				# is possible).

debug 1                         # set debugging level
debugfile /tmp/nacctd.debug	# where to put debugging info

# Device configuration
 # Defines where the real data starts for each type of
 # First give the name prefix, then the offset in bytes to
the start
 # of the real data, then the offset of the type field in
bytes. If 
# there is no type field, just give a 0.
 # Don't specify SLIP or PPP devices here, otherwise
association of
# dynamic ip-addresses with usernames won't work
# Put device types with more traffic last.

headers	tr	40	38
headers	lo	14	12
headers	isdn	4	0
 # headers isdn	14	0	# for hdlc/trans/cisco and
headers	eth	14	12
headers	plip	14	12

 # hostlimit		# log only packets to/from this
# hostlimit         # and this one too
				# this option is mutually exclusive with iflimit

Otgovor #3
Ot: meto Data: 08/27/2004
ednata ournet 
vsashtnost e ournet
pri copiraneto sam obarkal no ne e tova prichinata

a faila "nacctpeering" si e standartnia koito e s BG mrejite

Otgovor #4
Ot: devane Data: 08/30/2004
hm ami da ne bi userite da polzvat niakakvo proxy?
vsichko izglejda uj ok mnogo stranno

Otgovor #5
Ot: nobody Data: 08/31/2004
zdrasti ima edin file v /usr/local/etc nacctpeering
 dobavi si vutre celiq peering i sha ti zasicha i vunshniq
net i peeringa ako za tva stava duma :))

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