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Vupros: win4lin 5.2.2a - license?
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Kum nachaloto |Dobavi vupros |Otgovori
Ot: xxx Data: 12/02/2002
niakoi da ima license key za win4lin 5.2.2a?

Otgovor #1
Ot: Neter (neter< at >mail< dot >bg) Data: 02/17/2005
 kato root suzdava6 fail license.lic v /var/win4lin/install.
 Sled tova pi6e6 vutre
  Tova sled CODE e ravno, a ne tire. Uto4nqvam, za6toto ne te
 znam kakav 6rift polzva6 i moje da stane gre6ka. Golemiq
 problem oba4e e sled licenza. Kogato se vklyu4i win4lin
MERGE_NL:ERROR:Win4Lin drivers are not
 loaded or not available for use.cannot run DOS or
  Windows.Either Win4Lin is not fully installed on your
 ,or the drivers cannot load,or too many simultaneous
 Ako nqkoi se se6ta za kakvi driver-i stava duma neka pi6e,
4e nikakva info ne se otkriva v neta

Otgovor #2
Ot: alex (salo__at__start[ tochka ]bg) Data: 10/29/2007
Log in as the root user
 Create a backup copy of the file
/var/win4linpro/install/license.lic as follows: 
cp /var/win4linpro/install/license.lic \
 Open the file /var/win4linpro/install/license.lic in your
favorite text editor
At the end of the file, add a line that looks like this: 
BUMPS_<n>=<bump license code> 
  <n> is the bump license sequence number, starting at 1. If
 you have more than one bump license code to add, or the
 license file already has BUMPS_<n> lines in it, then the
sequence number should be the last sequence number plus 1. 
  <bump license code> is the bump license code you have
obtained, exactly as you received it. 
  The following license file example shows a 5 concurrent
 user base license with 2 separate bumps. Please note that
 the license codes in the example are not valid and are for
 illustration only, and the total number of users after the
bumps are added is unspecified in the example: 
 CUSTOMER_NAME="Win4Lin User" 
Save the file and exit the text editor
 Verify that the bump license(s) applied correctly by running
the following command: 
 If the "max sessions" does not accurately reflect your base
 license count plus the bump licenses, please revisit the
 process to this point to verify that you have entered the
information exactly as you received it. 
 If the license information displays an error, you may easily
restore your backup copy of the license file as follows: 
cp /var/win4linpro/install/license.lic.saved \
 Strongly recommended: log all Win4Lin Pro Virtual Desktop
 Server users off the system and make sure all guest Windows
 sessions are shut down. Next, restart the Win4Lin Pro
services as follows: 
/opt/win4linpro/etc/mergepro_rc restart 
 If you do not restart the Win4Lin Pro services, concurrent
 sessions launched beyond the previous maximum may not
 benefit from acceleration and enhanced Windows application
 compatibility. Therefore it is strongly recommended that you
 apply any bump license codes during a period of low activity
 on your server, when it is convenient to temporarily log all
users off and shut down all guest Windows sessions.

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